Version 3
An experimental 3D geometry processing program
This is the complete list of members for OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands, including all inherited members.
__pad0__ (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
__pad1__ (defined in OGF::Object) | OGF::Object | |
ABFplusplus enum value (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
add_connection(Connection *connection) | OGF::Object | virtual |
B (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
B (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
bake_colors(const MeshGrobName &surface, const std::string &color="color", index_t size=1024, const NewImageFileName &image="colors.png", index_t nb_dilate=2, const std::string &attribute="tex_coord") | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
bake_normals(const MeshGrobName &surface, index_t size=1024, const NewImageFileName &image="normals.png", index_t nb_dilate=2, const std::string &tex_coord="tex_coord") | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
bake_texture(const MeshGrobName &src_surface, const ImageFileName &src_texture, const std::string &src_tex_coord="tex_coord", index_t size=1024, const NewImageFileName &image="texture.png", index_t nb_dilate=2, const std::string &tex_coord="tex_coord") | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
command_is_running() | OGF::Commands | inlinestatic |
Commands() | OGF::Commands | |
compare(const Object *other) const | OGF::Object | virtual |
compute_boolean_operation(const MeshGrobName &other, const NewMeshGrobName &result="result", const std::string &operation="A+B", bool pre_process=false, bool post_process=false) (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
compute_difference(const MeshGrobName &other, const NewMeshGrobName &result="result", bool pre_process=false, bool post_process=false) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
compute_intersection(const MeshGrobName &other, const NewMeshGrobName &result="result", bool pre_process=false, bool post_process=false) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
compute_union(const MeshGrobName &other, const NewMeshGrobName &result="result", bool pre_process=false, bool post_process=false) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
connect_signal_to_slot(const std::string &signal_name, Object *to, const std::string &slot_name) | OGF::Object | virtual |
Counted() | GEO::Counted | inlineprotected |
decimate(index_t nb_bins=100, bool remove_deg3_vrtx=true, bool keep_borders=true, bool repair=true) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
disable_signals() | OGF::Object | inline |
disable_slots() | OGF::Object | inline |
disconnect() | OGF::Object | |
emit_signal(const std::string &signal_name, const ArgList &args, bool called_from_slot=false) | OGF::Object | protectedvirtual |
enable_signals() | OGF::Object | inline |
enable_slots() | OGF::Object | inline |
expand_border(double margin=0.05) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
fill_holes(index_t max_nb_vertices=0) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
fix_facets_orientation() | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
get_charts() | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
get_doc() const | OGF::Object | virtual |
get_element(index_t i, Any &value) const | OGF::Object | virtual |
get_grob() const | OGF::Interface | inline |
get_meta_class() const | OGF::Object | inline |
get_property(const std::string &prop_name, std::string &prop_value) const | OGF::Object | virtual |
get_property(const std::string &prop_name, Any &prop_value) const | OGF::Object | virtual |
get_signals_enabled() const | OGF::Object | inline |
get_slots_enabled() const | OGF::Object | inline |
get_string_id() const | OGF::Object | inline |
gom_arg_attribute(operation, handler, "combo_box") gom_arg_attribute(operation | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
grob() const | OGF::Interface | inline |
has_method(const std::string &method_name) const | OGF::Object | |
has_property(const std::string &prop_name) const | OGF::Object | |
help() const | OGF::Object | |
hide_attribute() | OGF::MeshGrobCommands | protectedvirtual |
hide_vertices() | OGF::MeshGrobCommands | inlineprotected |
id() const | OGF::Object | inline |
id_to_object(unsigned int id) | OGF::Object | inlinestatic |
Interface() | OGF::Interface | |
interpreter() | OGF::Commands | |
intersect(bool remove_internal_shells=true, bool simplify_coplanar_facets=true, double coplanar_angle_tolerance=0.001, bool interpolate_attributes=false) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
invoke_method(const std::string &method_name, const ArgList &args, Any &ret_val) override | OGF::Commands | virtual |
OGF::Interface::invoke_method(const std::string &method_name, const ArgList &args) | OGF::Object | inline |
OGF::Interface::invoke_method(const std::string &method_name) | OGF::Object | inline |
is_a(const MetaType *type) const | OGF::Object | virtual |
is_shared() const | GEO::Counted | inline |
LSCM enum value (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
make_texture_atlas(bool detect_sharp_edges=false, double sharp_edges_threshold=45.0, ChartParameterizer param=PARAM_ABF, ChartPacker pack=PACK_XATLAS, bool verbose=false) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
max_degree3_dist (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
max_hole_area (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
max_hole_edges (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
merge_vertices(double epsilon=0.0) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
mesh_grob() const | OGF::MeshGrobCommands | inline |
MeshGrobCommands() | OGF::MeshGrobCommands | |
MeshGrobSurfaceCommands() | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
meta_class() const | OGF::Object | virtual |
min_comp_area (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
nb_refs() const | GEO::Counted | inline |
Object(bool transient=false) | OGF::Object | explicit |
pack_texture_space(ChartPacker pack=PACK_XATLAS) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
parameterize_chart(const std::string &attribute="tex_coord", ChartParameterizer param=PARAM_LSCM, bool verbose=false) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
Parameterizer enum name (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
ref() const | GEO::Counted | inline |
ref(const Counted *counted) | GEO::Counted | inlinestatic |
remesh_feature_sensitive(const NewMeshGrobName &surface_name="remesh", unsigned int nb_points=30000, bool refine=false, double max_dist=0.5, double normal_anisotropy=5.0, unsigned int nb_Lloyd_iter=5, unsigned int nb_Newton_iter=30, unsigned int nb_LpCVT_iter=10, unsigned int Newton_m=7, bool RVC_centroids=false) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
remesh_quad_dominant(const NewMeshGrobName &surface_name="remesh", double rel_edge_len=1.0, bool sharp_features=true, bool optimize_parity=false, double max_scaling_corr=1.0) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
remesh_smooth(const NewMeshGrobName &remesh_name="remesh", unsigned int nb_points=30000, double tri_shape_adapt=1.0, double tri_size_adapt=0.0, bool adjust=true, double adjust_max_edge_distance=0.5, unsigned int normal_iter=3, unsigned int Lloyd_iter=5, unsigned int Newton_iter=30, unsigned int Newton_m=7, unsigned int LFS_samples=10000) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
remove_charts() | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
remove_connection(Connection *connection) | OGF::Object | virtual |
remove_intersections (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
remove_invisible_facets(double min_visibility=0.005) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
scene_graph() const | OGF::Interface | |
search(const std::string &needle, const std::string &path="") | OGF::Object | virtual |
segment(MeshSegmenter segmenter=SEGMENT_GEOMETRIC_VSA_L2, index_t nb_segments=10) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
set_chrono(bool value) | OGF::Commands | inline |
set_element(index_t i, const Any &value) | OGF::Object | virtual |
set_meta_class(MetaClass *mclass) | OGF::Object | virtual |
set_properties(const ArgList &args) | OGF::Object | |
set_property(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) | OGF::Object | virtual |
set_property(const std::string &name, const Any &value) | OGF::Object | virtual |
set_signals_enabled(bool value) | OGF::Object | inline |
set_slots_enabled(bool value) | OGF::Object | inline |
set_vertices_visibility(bool visible) | OGF::MeshGrobCommands | protectedvirtual |
show_attribute(const std::string &attribute_name, MeshGrob *M=nullptr) | OGF::MeshGrobCommands | protectedvirtual |
show_charts(const std::string &attribute="chart") | OGF::MeshGrobCommands | protectedvirtual |
show_colors(const std::string &attribute="vertices.colors", MeshGrob *M=nullptr) | OGF::MeshGrobCommands | protectedvirtual |
show_mesh(MeshGrob *M=nullptr) | OGF::MeshGrobCommands | protectedvirtual |
show_UV(const std::string &UV_attribute_name="facet_corners.tex_coord", MeshGrob *M=nullptr) | OGF::MeshGrobCommands | protectedvirtual |
show_vertices() | OGF::MeshGrobCommands | inlineprotected |
smooth() | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
SpectralLSCM enum value (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
split_catmull_clark(index_t nb_times=1) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
split_quads(index_t nb_times=1) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
split_triangles(index_t nb_times=1) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
string_id() const | OGF::Object | |
tessellate_facets(index_t max_vertices_per_facet=4) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
triangulate() | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | inline |
triangulate_center_vertex() | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
unglue_charts() | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
unglue_sharp_edges(double angle_threshold=90) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
unref() const | GEO::Counted | inline |
unref(const Counted *counted) | GEO::Counted | inlinestatic |
values (defined in OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands) | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
~Commands() override | OGF::Commands | |
~Counted() | GEO::Counted | protectedvirtual |
~Interface() override | OGF::Interface | |
~MeshGrobCommands() override | OGF::MeshGrobCommands | |
~MeshGrobSurfaceCommands() override | OGF::MeshGrobSurfaceCommands | |
~Object() | OGF::Object | virtual |