Geogram  Version 1.9.1-rc
A programming library of geometric algorithms
GEO::RVDMeshBuilder Class Reference

Builds a Mesh using the symbolic information in the vertices computed by a RestrictedVoronoiDiagram. More...

#include <geogram/voronoi/RVD_mesh_builder.h>

Public Member Functions

 RVDMeshBuilder (Mesh *target, Mesh *reference, Delaunay *)
 Constructs a new RVDMeshBuilder. More...
void begin_surface ()
 Starts to build a new surface.
void begin_reference_facet (index_t ref_facet)
 Starts a new reference facet. More...
void begin_facet (index_t seed)
 Starts a new facet of the restricted Voronoi diagram. More...
void add_vertex_to_facet (const double *point, const SymbolicVertex &sym)
 Adds a vertex to the current facet. More...
void end_facet ()
 Terminates the current facet. More...
void end_reference_facet ()
 Terminates the current reference facet. More...
void end_surface ()
 Terminates the current surface.
void set_dimension (coord_index_t x)
 Specifies the dimension to be used. More...

Detailed Description

Builds a Mesh using the symbolic information in the vertices computed by a RestrictedVoronoiDiagram.

The vertices with the same symbolic information are merged.

This is an internal implementation class, not meant to be used directly, use GEO::RestrictedVoronoiDiagram instead.

Definition at line 157 of file RVD_mesh_builder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RVDMeshBuilder()

GEO::RVDMeshBuilder::RVDMeshBuilder ( Mesh target,
Mesh reference,

Constructs a new RVDMeshBuilder.

[out]targetwhere to build the mesh that represents the Restricted Voronoi Diagram
[in]referencethe input mesh

Definition at line 165 of file RVD_mesh_builder.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_vertex_to_facet()

void GEO::RVDMeshBuilder::add_vertex_to_facet ( const double *  point,
const SymbolicVertex sym 

Adds a vertex to the current facet.

[in]pointcoordinates of the vertex
[in]symsymbolic representation of the vertex

Definition at line 211 of file RVD_mesh_builder.h.

◆ begin_facet()

void GEO::RVDMeshBuilder::begin_facet ( index_t  seed)

Starts a new facet of the restricted Voronoi diagram.

[in]seedthe Voronoi seed that corresponds to the new facet.

Definition at line 201 of file RVD_mesh_builder.h.

◆ begin_reference_facet()

void GEO::RVDMeshBuilder::begin_reference_facet ( index_t  ref_facet)

Starts a new reference facet.

Does nothing in this implementation that does not use the reference facet index.

[in]ref_facetindex of the reference facet (unused)

Definition at line 191 of file RVD_mesh_builder.h.

◆ end_facet()

void GEO::RVDMeshBuilder::end_facet ( )

Terminates the current facet.

The reference facet information is not used by this implementation.

Definition at line 232 of file RVD_mesh_builder.h.

◆ end_reference_facet()

void GEO::RVDMeshBuilder::end_reference_facet ( )

Terminates the current reference facet.

Does nothing in this implementation.

Definition at line 244 of file RVD_mesh_builder.h.

◆ set_dimension()

void GEO::RVDMeshBuilder::set_dimension ( coord_index_t  x)

Specifies the dimension to be used.

Not implemented yet, uses the dimension of the RestrictedVoronoiDiagram.

Definition at line 260 of file RVD_mesh_builder.h.

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