98 double adjust_max_edge_distance=0.5
121 double max_edge_distance=0.5,
122 bool project_borders=
Common include file, providing basic definitions. Should be included before anything else by all head...
Global Vorpaline namespace.
void remesh_smooth(Mesh &M_in, Mesh &M_out, index_t nb_points, coord_index_t dim=0, index_t nb_Lloyd_iter=5, index_t nb_Newton_iter=30, index_t Newton_m=7, bool adjust=true, double adjust_max_edge_distance=0.5)
Remeshes a 'smooth' shape (that is, without management of sharp features).
void mesh_adjust_surface(Mesh &surface, Mesh &reference, double max_edge_distance=0.5, bool project_borders=false)
Adjusts a surface mesh in such a way that minimizes its distance to a reference surface mesh.
geo_index_t index_t
The type for storing and manipulating indices.
geo_coord_index_t coord_index_t
The type for storing coordinate indices, and iterating on the coordinates of a point.
Types and functions for numbers manipulation.