Geogram  Version 1.9.0
A programming library of geometric algorithms
vecg.h File Reference

Generic implementation of geometric vectors. More...

#include <geogram/basic/common.h>
#include <geogram/basic/numeric.h>
#include <geogram/basic/determinant.h>
#include <geogram/basic/memory.h>
#include <geogram/basic/assert.h>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>
#include <cfloat>
#include <cmath>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  GEO::vecng< DIM, T >
 Generic maths vector. More...
class  GEO::vecng< 2, T >
 Specialization of class vecng for DIM == 2. More...
class  GEO::vecng< 3, T >
 Specialization of class vecng for DIM == 3. More...
class  GEO::vecng< 4, T >
 Specialization of class vecn3 for DIM == 4. More...


 Global Vorpaline namespace.
 Defines numeric types used in Vorpaline.


template<class T >
void GEO::Numeric::optimize_number_representation (vecng< 2, T > &v)
template<class T >
void GEO::Numeric::optimize_number_representation (vecng< 3, T > &v)

Detailed Description

Generic implementation of geometric vectors.

Definition in file vecg.h.