Graphite  Version 3
An experimental 3D geometry processing program
GLUP Directory Reference



file  GLUP.h [code]
 GLUP: GL Useful Primitives.
file  GLUP_context.h [code]
 Internal implementation of GLUP context.
file  GLUP_context_ES.h [code]
 Internal implementation of GLUP using OpenGL ES or GLSL 1.5 with no geometry shader and no uniform buffer.
file  GLUP_context_GLSL.h [code]
 Internal implementation of GLUP using modern OpenGL and GLSL shaders.
file  GLUP_marching_cells.h [code]
 Implementation of the marching cells algorithms.
file  GLUP_private.h [code]
 Slightly faster GLUP functions, not part of the API (do not use in client code).