72 void display_statistics();
90 const std::string& name,
94 bool attributes =
95 bool kill_isolated_vx =
112 bool kill_isolated_vx=
Base class for Commands related with a MeshGrob object.
Commands that manipulate the mesh in a MeshGrob.
void copy(const std::string &name, bool edges=true, bool facets=true, bool cells=true, bool attributes=true, bool kill_isolated_vx=false)
Copies a mesh.
void gather(const NewMeshGrobName &new_mesh)
Gathers all surface meshes into a single surface mesh.
void remove_mesh_elements(bool vertices=false, bool edges=false, bool facets=false, bool cells=false, bool kill_isolated_vx=false)
Remove mesh elements.
void normalize_mesh(double Cx=0.0, double Cy=0.0, double Cz=0.0, double radius=1.0)
Scales and translates a mesh to fit within a sphere.
void display_topology()
computes and displays some topological invariants.
void remove_isolated_vertices()
Remove isolated vertices.
MeshGrobMeshCommands constructor.
~MeshGrobMeshCommands() override
MeshGrobMeshCommands destructor.
void normalize_mesh_box(double xmin=0.0, double ymin=0.0, double zmin=0.0, double xmax=1.0, double ymax=1.0, double zmax=1.0, bool uniform=true)
Scales and translates a mesh to fit within a box.
void append(const MeshGrobName &other)
Appends a surface mesh to this mesh. Note: for now, only works for surfaces, and does not append attr...
A template class for strings that need to have a specific type in the GOM system.
Base class for Commands related with a MeshGrob object.
Global Graphite namespace.
Definitions common to all include files in the mesh library.