203 vec3 result(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
210 return (1.0 / count) * result;
220 vec3 result(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
225 return (1.0 /
nb_vertices(c))) * result;
244 return 0.25 * (v1 + v2 + v3 + v4);
339 void GEOGRAM_API
const Mesh& M,
double* xyzmin,
double* xyzmax);
374 Mesh& M,
double gradation = 1.0,
index_t nb_lfs_samples = 0
#define geo_debug_assert(x)
Verifies that a condition is met.
index_t nb_vertices(index_t c) const
Gets the number of vertices of a cell.
index_t vertex(index_t c, index_t lv) const
Gets a vertex of a cell by local vertex index.
index_t corners_end(index_t f) const
Gets the upper limit for iterating over the corners of a facet.
bool are_simplices() const
Tests whether all the facets are triangles.
index_t corners_begin(index_t f) const
Gets the first element for iterating over the corners of a facet.
index_t next_corner_around_facet(index_t f, index_t c) const
Gets the successor of a corner around a facet.
const double * point_ptr(index_t v) const
Gets a point.
index_t dimension() const
Gets the dimension of the vertices.
Common include file, providing basic definitions. Should be included before anything else by all head...
Geometric functions in 2d and 3d.
Geometric functions in arbitrary dimension.
The class that represents a mesh.
const vec3 & mesh_vertex_normal(const Mesh &M, index_t v)
Gets a mesh vertex normal by vertex index.
vec3 mesh_corner_vector(const Mesh &M, index_t c1)
Gets a vector by a mesh corner.
vec3 & mesh_vertex_normal_ref(Mesh &M, index_t v)
Gets a mesh vertex normal by vertex index.
double mesh_unsigned_normal_angle(const Mesh &M, index_t f1, index_t f2)
Computes the angle between the normal vectors of two mesh facets sharing an edge.
double mesh_normal_angle(const Mesh &M, index_t c)
Computes the angle between the normal vectors of two mesh facets sharing an edge.
const vec3 & mesh_corner_vertex(const Mesh &M, index_t c)
Gets a mesh vertex by an incident corner index.
vec3 & mesh_corner_vertex_ref(Mesh &M, index_t c)
Gets a mesh vertex by an incident corner index.
double mesh_area(const Mesh &M, index_t dim)
Computes the total surface area of a mesh in arbitrary dimension.
vec3 mesh_cell_center(const Mesh &M, index_t c)
Gets the centroid of the vertices of a cell in a mesh.
double triangle_area(const vec3 &p1, const vec3 &p2, const vec3 &p3)
Computes the area of a 3d triangle.
vec3 mesh_facet_center(const Mesh &M, index_t f)
Gets the centroid of the vertices of a facet in a mesh.
vec3 mesh_tet_center(const Mesh &M, index_t t)
Gets the centroid of a tetrahedron in a mesh.
const vec3 & mesh_vertex_ref(const Mesh &M, index_t v)
Gets a mesh vertex by its index.
const vec3 & mesh_vertex(const Mesh &M, index_t v)
Gets a mesh vertex by its index.
double mesh_enclosed_volume(const Mesh &M)
Computes the volume enclosed by a surfacic mesh.
double mesh_facet_area(const Mesh &M, index_t f, index_t dim=0)
Computes the area of a facet.
vec3 mesh_facet_normal(const Mesh &M, index_t f)
Computes the normal to a mesh facet.
Global Vorpaline namespace.
void simple_Laplacian_smooth(Mesh &M, index_t nb_iter, bool normals_only)
Smoothes a mesh.
double surface_average_edge_length(const Mesh &M)
Computes the average edge length in a surface.
void get_bbox(const Mesh &M, double *xyzmin, double *xyzmax)
Gets the bounding box of a mesh.
void compute_sizing_field(Mesh &M, double gradation=1.0, index_t nb_lfs_samples=0)
Computes a sizing field using an estimate of lfs (local feature size).
double bbox_diagonal(const Mesh &M)
Computes the length of the bounding box diagonal of a mesh.
vecng< 3, Numeric::float64 > vec3
Represents points and vectors in 3d.
void compute_normals(Mesh &M)
Computes the normals to the vertices, and stores them as additional coordinates.
double mesh_cells_volume(const Mesh &M)
Computes the volume of the cells of a mesh.
double mesh_cell_volume(const Mesh &M, index_t c)
Computes the volume of a cell in a mesh.
void normalize_embedding_area(Mesh &M)
Computes vertices weights in such a way that triangle areas are normalized.
geo_index_t index_t
The type for storing and manipulating indices.
void set_anisotropy(Mesh &M, double s)
Normalizes and scales the stored vertex normals by a factor.
void unset_anisotropy(Mesh &M)
Normalizes the stored vertex normals.
geo_coord_index_t coord_index_t
The type for storing coordinate indices, and iterating on the coordinates of a point.
vec3 mesh_cell_facet_normal(const Mesh &M, index_t c, index_t lf)
Computes the normal of a cell facet.