Graphite  Version 3
An experimental 3D geometry processing program
mesh Directory Reference


file  index.h [code]
 Classes for managing tuples of indices.
file  mesh.h [code]
 The class that represents a mesh.
file  mesh_AABB.h [code]
 Axis Aligned Bounding Box trees for accelerating geometric queries that operate on a Mesh.
file  mesh_baking.h [code]
 Functions to bake attributes from meshes to images.
file  mesh_compare.h [code]
 Functions for comparing two meshes for exact equality.
file  mesh_CSG.h [code]
 Functions and classes for Constructive Solid Geometry with meshes.
file  mesh_decimate.h [code]
 Functions for decimating a mesh.
file  mesh_degree3_vertices.h [code]
 Functions for removing degree 3 vertices in a mesh.
file  mesh_distance.h [code]
 Distance computations between meshes.
file  mesh_fill_holes.h [code]
 Functions for filling the holes in a mesh.
file  mesh_frame_field.h [code]
file  mesh_geometry.h [code]
 Functions for accessing the geometry in a mesh.
file  mesh_halfedges.h [code]
 Classes and function for virtually seeing a mesh as a set of halfedges.
file  mesh_intersection.h [code]
 Functions for computing surfacic (and soon volumetric) mesh intersections.
file  mesh_io.h [code]
 Functions to load and save meshes.
file  mesh_local_operations.h [code]
 Functions to modify a mesh locally.
file  mesh_manifold_harmonics.h [code]
file  mesh_partition.h [code]
 Functions to split a mesh into multiple parts.
file  mesh_preprocessing.h [code]
 Functions to pre-process a mesh.
file  mesh_remesh.h [code]
 Functions for remeshing.
file  mesh_reorder.h [code]
 Reorders the elements in a mesh to improve data locality.
file  mesh_repair.h [code]
file  mesh_sampling.h [code]
 Functions to generate random samples on surfacic and in volumetric meshes.
file  mesh_smoothing.h [code]
file  mesh_subdivision.h [code]
file  mesh_surface_intersection.h [code]
 Functions for computing intersections between surfacic meshes and for boolean operations.
file  mesh_surface_intersection_internal.h [code]
 Classes used by MeshSurfaceIntersection.
file  mesh_tetrahedralize.h [code]
 Functions for filling a surface mesh with tetrahedra.
file  mesh_topology.h [code]
 Functions to query and compare mesh topology.
file  triangle_intersection.h [code]
 Symbolic computation of triangle-triangle intersection.